We focus on the long-term safety
and profitability of our
customers' assets


Investment Process

Our investment process benefits from extensive research and is based on data and analysis – backed by robust risk controls.

Track Record

Over the past decade, the portfolios we managed delivered consistent capital growth and earned superior returns relative to their risk profile and benchmark*.

*Past performance is no guarantee 
of future performance.


Photo of Eduardo Eguren Linsen

Eduardo Eguren Linsen

Founder and Board Member

Mr. Eduardo Eguren Linsen, a Uruguayan National, is an experienced banker with over 35 years of international experience in Corporate, Private, Retail and Commercial banking. He has a solid track record in global investments across asset classes. Formerly, Mr. Eguren was CEO, Burgan Bank Group, Kuwait; CEO, Global Commercial Banking operations at Barclays Plc, London UK; COO of GRCB Barclays Bank in London; CFO at Citi Bank for Emerging Markets, CFO and COO at Citi (Asia Consumer). He is a Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Administration (Contador Público y Licenciado en Administración) from the University of the Republic of Uruguay – Faculty of Economic Sciences and Administration.


Check Eduardo’s FCA page and UK commercial register (Companies House).

Photo of Alessandro Magnoli Bocchi

Alessandro Magnoli Bocchi

Founder and Board Member
Deputy CEO and CIO

Dr. Alessandro Magnoli Bocchi, an Italian National, has 30 years of experience in the field of economic analysis, business management and international investments. Formerly, CEO of Foresight, Kuwait; Chief Economist and member of the management team and Investment Committee at the Kuwait China Investment Company (KCIC); senior economist at the World Bank (YP Program); Research Associate at Harvard University and Economist at the IADB. Qualified Chartered Accountant (Italian jurisdiction, Dottore Commercialista). He has published articles and books. He holds a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from ESADE; a joint MBA/MIM from Bocconi/ESADE (Global Alliance in Management Education); an LLM in International Law from the University of Parma, and a BA in Business Administration from Bocconi University.

Check Alessandro’s FCA page and UK commercial register (Companies House).


  • Multiple first-tier custodian banks
  • Assets in the investor’s name
  • High liquidity, easy and quick redemption
  • Risk monitoring and management
  • Competitive and transparent pricing
  • Simple to monitor, easy access to portfolios and transactions

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I am a professional client

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This website provides generic information about Foresight Advisors Limited (FAL), incorporated as a Private Limited Company in England and Wales (Companies House number: 13806331), and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Registration number: 975877).

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